Monday, May 10, 2004

All Things Have A Beginning

But I do not believe that all things come to an end...

So I have decided to start an actual blog along side my on-going (yeah... About that... ::rubs back of head ashamely:: ) to talk about my personal life. I know at first I didn't like the idea, but... It kind of grew on me, especially since I can't really talk about everything I want to talk about with most of my friends. The ones I can talk to about everything, I don't get to talk to very often... So this might help me out a little by letting it all out in this form. And besides, I am a writer, so I can't write something if no one is going to read it...

As for the name of this blog. I love to make people laugh, and it in a way "fuels" me when I hear someone laughing cause of something I do or say. Especially my close friends or family... So I tend to call my self the Jester. But... though it is the job of a jester to make others laugh and goof around... A jester isn't always smiling... A jester can shed a tear too... and that is what this is about. My joys, my fears, my tears.

So I shall start off with work. I work at a little kiosk in my local mall. The name of the store is Things Remembered. I engrave on metal and glass items... It's a pretty good job, except for the fact that the kiosk sucks cause nothing is where it should be and half the time I either can't find or don't have the item a customer wants... And corporate wonders why we can never meet our goals....

It's driving me crazy, and causing much stress. I am not easily stressed. Usually, the only real way to get me stressed is if I am angry about something. So in other words, working there makes me quite angry and that is followed by stress. I don't like stress at all, so I beginning to go crazy... Mostly, I just wish I had someone to work with. It would make the work load easier, and I'd have someone to talk to. Being alone for 6 hours watching everyone walk by is not style'n at all...

I also get little hours, so not much money... I am about to search for a second job so I can get more money... A second job also means less free time sadly... But I need the money. After a foolish thing I did last year, all my money is gone. I can't even attend college, and I refuse to get a loan. Being in debt is not my idea of sexy.

What is a Jester to do? Oh, I know. Take over the world. Yes... I believe that will be true greatness once I realize that life long dream of becoming the Emperor of the World!!!

But what is the world if I have no one to share it with? Currently I am single... I was engaged to an angel for a very long time... But during a long time apart my angel was kicked out of her body by a succubus. I did not fit into the plans of this succubus, so now I am alone.

I joined this online dating service a few months ago called It's all right. I don't see many potential significant others for me though. Those I were interested in never respond to me. One girl contacted me first. We went on a date and talk most nights... But sadly... She just doesn't seem to be the one for me. She is fun and a good friend, but not what I am wanting in a girl...

Recently, another girl contacted me, or "winked", at me... I "winked" back, but she lives between 100-150 miles from me. I don't want another long distance relationship. I need someone very close by so we can see each other often and hang out a lot... You know?

I don't know what to do. I dislike this being alone thing. It is not cool at all. But I hope it all changes very soon. As well as the previously mentioned money situation. Tomorrow I am spending $50 on a new video game. Next month I am spending around $100 at a convention... Not to mention gas prices keep going up and up... This world and it's misguided ideas of government sicken me... I shall put and end to it all... ::works on his take over plans::



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