Friday, May 14, 2004

Good Bike, For Falling Apart

Apparently it was a good thing that my bike feel apart when it did. Shortly after I came back in, the door bell rang. I ran as fast as I could to the door, afraid my mother had been awaken by the sound.

My first thought was it had to be one of my sister's friends. All my friends that live in this are live 15-20 miles away. There was no way one of them would drive all that way in the middle of the night and be stupid enough to ring the freakin doorbell at 1am in the morning.

When I opened the door, it turned out to be this guy I know. We are kind of friends, but he is more my sister's friend. Apparently he was down the street playing video games and the house he was at had no car, so he knew I would be up and wanted to know if he could have a ride home.

It was a cold night with the cold front, well... For normal people it was cold I guess. Also, he was borrowing his friend's PS2 that he had in a backpack and didn't want that stolen while he walked home. I didn't mind, so I gave him a ride. See, good thing my bike broke. I was able to do a good deed.

While I was taking him home, I passed a parked Cop Car. So the cop decided to follow me. I wasn't worried. I was doing nothing wrong. Speed limit was 30, I was doing 25. The cop got right on my butt. I didn't appreciate that at all. My friend was a little worried though. He said he knew if he tried to walk home, these cops would have arrested him and said he stole that PS2 (I was afraid there was more than just a PS2 in there though, if you know what I mean.) and he had just gotten out of jail recently.

When I came to a blinking yellow light, instead of going on like I am allowed to I came to a stop, looked both ways then proceeded. This time, I only went 20mph. I think perhaps I fooled the cop into thinking I was an old geezer driving. He got tired of following me and zoomed past me going 35-40mph. I hate the cops in this town, they are all corrupt scum bags it seems...

Anyway, shortly after I got home my friend Kate IMed me. She let me know that she was okay now and appreciated my concern. I was glad to hear she was doing better, but I still feel bad she went through what she did... So I am still a little concerned about her... I hope to get to talk to her some more today.



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