Thursday, January 27, 2005

More CosPlay Craziness

Well, I did want to perform a skit on Saturday night of A-kon. See, CosPlayers can sign up to do a walk-on modeling, or do a skit in their costumes. Walk-ons have winners and Skits have winners. But it's first come first serve for sign-ups, and only a certain amount can sign up for either.

I made a script and planned it all out and discussed it with Maniac. It was going to be funny and really cool. I think so anyway. He liked it too, but then he told me the bad news.

He said that he wanted to try it the year before, thinking like me that all we had to do was sign up on Friday then come an hour or two early on Saturday to reherse... No. We have to wait in line all day Friday if we are lucky enough to make the sign up. We have to wait for others to perform their skits to be allowed then perform ours. Then they tell the perfromers what is wrong and what needs to be changed to be allowed. Then you have to start over in line waiting for your turn again. This can go on till 3am on Sat. Which means your whole Friday A-Kon is gone before your eyes. Then you have to show up several hours ealry for rehersal and planning if you have music and cues.... So... It's not worth it... ::sigh::

Also, Maniac is thinking about dressing as a human version of this guy: K.K. Slider. He is from "Animal Crossing," a GameCube game. On Saturdays he will play a song at your request. It's fun to listen to him. If he decides to do this, he will bring his guitar, and learn some of K.K. Slider's songs and try to really play and sing them for some cash on Friday. (You really need to hear his songs. It's greatness.)

All day at work I have been contemplating how to make those swords... I think I have some sound plans at the moment... I just need to rebuild my checking account a little... HAd to buy Resident Evil 4 yesterday, along with gas so... took me down a bit. ::tear:: I don't make enough money...



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