Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Ah~~~ Man~~!!!

Greatnes.... BEAU~~~~~TIFUL!!!

So after I got off a long... boring... slow 8 hour day I called Maniac and told him I was heading over to our favorite Sushi Bar run by a very nice Korean lady. He said okay and that two others in our A-Kon group where coming for a meeting.

I arrive and shortly after he does too. Then Rion texts me and I invite him to join us. Soon there is 6 of us in the little place and we are loud. Laughig, joking... Just having a really great time with really great food. It was really nice. The place started to get busy so we decided to head out. We confused the lady's son when he tried to ring us all up on the register. It all worked out in the end. We decided to all go to this... "amusement center" called the Plex the DDR!!

So we get there and I dance with Chopstick (we gave him that nickname at the sushi bar cause he wanted a nickname too) and then Maniac Danced with Skidd and then Skidd's cousin was about to play with Maniac. Well, they hit the button too many times so it was on solo player instead of versus and on Beginner mode. So Skidd's Cuz went ahead and Maniac was going to go after him.

Suddenly 2 preppy guys with 2 preppy girls arrive... Usually when you want to claim the next game you put up a token or a quarter.... This turd placed a credit card up there... We were not impressed. They sat down and watched Skidd's Cuz try to learn. When he was done one the prep boys "Dark Hair" got on. Maniac was like "S'cool. You go ahead, I already put my tokens in." Dark Hair hands him 3 tokens and gets ready to dance....

Dark Hair takes out a hankerchief and wipes the dirt off the arrows (to add grip, but still... so lame). Then he begins dancing. Maniac and I look at each other and say "Perfect Attacker" which was his style. But then he throws in ONE weak trick... Then at the end he does one of Maniac's signature tricks... We all looked at Maniac and he had this "Oh no no no... This is a challenge" type grin.

Dark Hair jumped off and TAG TEAMED Blande Hair. Blonde Hair starts perfect attacking, but the lame way. Some people don't move their torsos, just legs and it looks funky. Oh yeah... instead of cleaning the arrows, he licks his fingers and then wipes them on the bottom of his shoes... I was like "Is that sanitary?"

Dark Hair is back... Their girls have been cheering and we've just been standing there. While he does his last song we are asking Maniac what his line up is going to be and making suggestions. Dark hair, meanwhile, is failing horrible at the song and almost loses, but managed to beat the song.

Maniac's Turn. First song... Nothing but tricks and perfect attacked at the same time. We don't look at the preps, but I glance out the corner of my eyes. They don't look happy. Second song, even bigger tricks. Still the preps are not happy. Thrid song... Now I've seen Maniac dance many times... But never to this song... I even went "Whoa..." Which is saying a lot. He blew them out of the water by dropping a Space Colony on their butts.

Once again they both try. Doing their same little... preperations... No one is paying attention to them anymore, especially not us. The girls aren't cheering. They came in with an ego, trying to show off to us and to their girls. They got their butts served... Burt to a crisp! The got done with their song and they just left the building.

We all busted out laughing and spent the rest of the night poking fun at them and joking about starting Dance Fights (think 8 Mile's Rap Fights) and other crazy stuff... Ah~~ Such a great night.

Oh! And I realized my work pants were not fitting right, and when I tried to change clothes I was able to pull them straight down without unbuttoning... I weighed my self... Some how in the past week or two, I lost 5 pounds. I am very happy. My costume's pants fit a little better now too! I hope I can loose a little more. Whatever I did to loose it, I need to keep it up!



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