Thursday, June 16, 2005

Car Pictures Howl

I want to get my A-Kon pictures developed, but I want to do them all at the same time. I have 4-6 photos left on my roll of film before I can develop them. I've been trying to get photos of me with some friends that I have no pictures of. These people work at the mall and I see them almost everyday... Except for now. Now that I am TRYING to find them for a purpose, they are never at the mall... Son of a Monkey!

I did get one picture taken that was on my list. Sadly, I have a feeling it will not turn out. The flash didn't go both tries and we were inside Hot Topic, which is a low lit place to begin with... I hope they turn out better than I think they will.

Today just as I was getting off, a friend of mine and his girlfriend stopped by. He asked how I was doing and I asked the same int turn. He said he got a new car, Mazda X6 I think he said. I approved and he asked what I drove. I told him a Honda Accord EX. He suddenly asks, "White?!" I'm like, "Yeah." "With the purple..." "Decepticon decals and Japanese writing, yeah that's mine."

"Dude! I just saw that car a second ago. I saw all that stuff on it and was freakin out cause it was so cool. I was pointing out everything to her and she asked if I even knew who the car belonged to and I was like no."

Heh, that was amusing. He likes my car and what I've done with it. He thinks I am an actual street racer. I tried to tell him I am a street drifter that doesn't actually drift, but I guess he didn't get it cause he asked where I mainly cruise.

As I was leaving my ex-assistant manager was walking in. I asked for a hug and as she gave me one she complained she was all hot and smelt funny like Long John Silver's. I told her she didn't and she told me I smelt nice though. Always nice to be told I smell good. I felt sexy.

On the way home I hear this loud thud noise from my back driver's side tire area. I figure my tire kicked up a rock and it hit the underside of my car. 25 minutes later I am home and look and all seems fine. 30 minutes later my brother points out I have a flat. That exact tire was flatter than human a Transfromer stepped on.... Not happy. Everytime I turn around I am getting a flat or a tire blows up. And it's always a different one. So when it happens I have to pay for it to be replaced of fix. No, it can never be the new tires from Discount Tires so they can replace/fix it for free. It has to be another old one so I get to blow more money.... Gonna see if I can get it fixed tomorrow morning...

Nice note: I finally won a nice Scanner off of eBay. I should be getting it soon and I can start scanning my pictures from A-Kon once they develope. $35.50 for a new scanner never opened. Better than $120 at Best Buy... Now if I could only win one of those External Harddrives. Stupid Mother Kickers always outbid me. It's ridiculous. By the time those auctions end people spend more on one than if they had bought the same item at a store, plus the shipping/handling fee. Complete morons. Why are humans so foolish?

Oh yeah, and I am highly pissed now. I just went to the website for the company that owns both theaters here to see what times Howl's Moving Castle plays on Friday... Neither theater is showing it... Nor in any of the cities close by... I am so pissed. I've been wanting to see it on the big screen so bad. They showed Spirited Away here after it won the Academy Award... Why wont they give Howl's Moving Castle a shot?! Worthless Texas/Oklahoma Neighboring, Inbreed, Uncultured, Pieces of Slag!!



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