Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Lessons On Drawing, Now For Tennis

So glad that work was actually enjoyable today. I didn't have slave work to do, and the time went by quickly without being over bearing or stressful. I quickly made my daily goal, then plus some. I engraved those and went to work on stocking the shipment we got in. Not much else to do after that.

My friend Marcus, or Maniac, came by and decided to give me a lesson in how to draw like him. It was great, cause I love his style. He draws my web comics for me, even though my partner never works on the website they are supposed to be shown on. Anyway, that was entertaining and took up a good hour till he left.

Before he left though, he let me know that were are to spend the night at a friend's house the night before we leave for A-Kon, so we can all get up and head out at the same time the next morning. So I am glad he let me know I am doing that. Also, he went to practice DDR today at the Plex, a really large arcade basically... Anyway, he said he was really bad at first. In other words, to me he was dancing like a master instead of a god. Heh. But he said he got back 83% of his skills. Thursday he will practice more and pick a song to use at the competition.

After I got off, I stopped by the mall's theater where I used to work to visit the few friends I worked with that are still there. One let me see pictures of her in her prom dress. She looked really good. And then I found out one of my other really good friends and the 5th member of my non-existent band is moving the day I get back from A-Kon... That blows...

On my way home, I stopped by the Super Wal-Mart. I picked up a box of 20 tennis balls... It was all they had. See, my friend Ryan (or Rion, which is basically the Japanese pronunciation of Ryan. He isn't Japanese, just likes how they say his name) has been watching this anime called "Prince of Tennis" lately. I am sure the title explains what the anime is about. Now he wants to learn how to play.

I said I could teach him. I used to be in a class for two years, and was always the best player in my classes. I never joined the team though, I didn't want to miss school days and fall behind... I know... Most people would want to. Leave me alone. So I needed tennis balls to teach him. I will teach him tomorrow after school lets out.

This will be fun. I haven't played a real tennis match in years. The last time I tried to play a real game, I never got to finish it... I was playing against my at the time fiance`e and every time we went to switch sides of the court we started to make out... So... Yeah. That game was never finished.

Also, back to DDR. I found this news article. Check it out! Video Game Helps Players Lose Weight I already knew this. It's part of why I used to play so often, but I likes reading this article.



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