Thursday, May 19, 2005

Drool City

First of all, I went to see Star Wars Episode III last night at midnight. Now, I am not a huge, obssessed Star Wars fan. I enjoy the movies (except the second one!!!) and I like the universe. My favorite character is Boba Fett. But I also enjoying going to the theater with a friend, and especially at midnight. This time I went with Rion and his girlfriend. Would have been Maniac too, but tickets were sold at 9am, and sold out for all 3 showings at 10am. Rion had went to get his and mine for me at 9:40. Maniac tried to get his at about 10... It sucked.

Now and to what made me drool even more so! The new Legend of Zelda game. "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess"!!!! I have seen screen caps from E3 and read a little about it. Link can freakin turn into a freakin wolf!! SA-WEET~!! Even more reason to like that man! I swear, this game might be even better than "Majora's Mask"! I refuse to watch anymore trailers, or read anymore about it. I want to buy the game and play it and be in utter awe at it! ::sigh of bliss::

Also, I saw pictures of the new Nintendo counsel Codename: Revolution. Nice. I know I will be getting it. But what I am truly anticipating at this moment, is Nintendo's new Wi-Fi network they are setting up all over the world. And it will be free use! That means if I am in an internet Wi-Fi hot spot, I can play people in Japan. Sweet~!



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