Sunday, June 27, 2004

Brothers United

Well, while I was working today, Spike appeared at my shop. It was good to see him after 2 years. He is my bro. Not really, but we are close friends, so we call each other that. Anyway, I've seen recent pictures of him before he came here, but it was still hard to recognize him. In my mind, I see the him before he moved away. I personally think he looked cooler back then cause he has this really awesome hair style that fit him perfectly. Oh well, at least he still acts exactly the same. That is very good. But, I knew he did from talking to him online.

I met his friend Jeremy. Jeremy is cool. Perhaps we will get to hang out some even after Spike goes back to Florida. Anyway, after I got off we went to Beniggan's. That is my favorite restaurant. I've been there three times thus far and I have not paid for my own meal yet. ROCK ON! Spike paid for me since I was having to drive him and Jeremy around when we hang out these next two weeks. So the waitress was really cute. I don't know why, but I kept flirting with her. Not even thinking about it, but I would. We left her a big tip. I wanted to see Waitress Kate though. When Ryan and I went on New Year's Eve, our waitress was named Kate. And since I already know a Kate, we refer to her as Waitress Kate. Anyway, she was really friendly and funny so I was hoping to see her again. Oh well.

Kate, I miss your hugs!

So after dinner, the three of us went to hang at Jeremy's house, where Spike is staying. We played a lot of DDR and then I decided to go home... But on the way to Jeremy's house, my battery light came on and things started to fritz out. On the way home I tried to use as little as possible... I hope I just need to add more water. I don't have the money to spare for a new battery.

Gosh dang it all. I need a better job with more hours and better pay. I just can't get ahead with my money. Something keeps coming up and pulling me down. I hate how this country... how this stupid world operates. I seriously need to take over this planet and run it MY way. I know a lot of people will be happy. There will also be a lot of unhappy people, but I'll make them be happy about it...



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