Friday, June 25, 2004

L337 M0U5E B4BY!!! W00!

Rolled out of bed this afternoon because I had to get my car inspected before it was too late. Get my shower and take off to the same place I bought Yuki at. I pulled in and asked to be inspected.

This grumpy old man came up and started to look it over. He noticed one of my wind sheild wipers needed replacing. He told me to replace it before he could finish the inspection... So I left and went to O'Reilly's and they measured it and gave me what I needed. Then I went home and asked my brother if he knew how to replace it.

Got that taken care of and went back for the inspection. A younger, and nicer man was there and he inspected it and approved it. So now that is out of the way.

While I was sitting at home being pissed about my family watching the crappy American "Godzilla" I got one of the greatest text messages ever.

All right, so then I asked Ryan to meet me at the mall cause I did NOT want to have spent all day at home. While up there, we went to Books-A-Million. Again, they still did not have "Trigun Maximum Vol.1" I am beginning to think I will never see it. It should have come out the 17th of May. And then they didn't have the last volume of "King of Bandits: Jing" where Hastings did last night. So I just picked up Vol. 1 of "Pretear." I love the anime, so I want to see what the manga is like.

I also found a tirlogy of books I found intresting. Based in Medieval Japan, and the story line sounded great too. I am waiting till tomorrow to get it though. The paperbacks are $14 a piece and there is a sale tomorrow, so I can get 20% off. Woo!

Ryan and I then went over to GameStop. I found Volume 2 of "Saint Tail" for $7.99. I wish they had had the first volume. I've always wanted that series... Instead I found a l337 optical/wireless mouse with 4-way scrolling wheel. I am using it now, and it is so great. I love it for everything about it. By the way, the title of this entry is in the language known as "l337," or leet. And it says "Leet mouse baby!! Woo!" Heh.

Went to the Tilt to see Marcus. They finally had PUI running so I asked him to trick it for me so I could play for free. Suddenly, it was like I knew what I was doing. The first time was horrible cause I had no idea what to do on that machine, but this time I did. I failed on the 4th song though.

Then Marcus tricked it again so he and I could play versus. As we played, I was getting better. I could feel my legs screaming that they could no longer keep going, but I made them anyway and I still did great. I also noticed while Marcus played, there was no crowd. While I played, there was no crowd. But when we played together there was a huge crowd. It was nice to have an audience again.

I beat Marcus 3 out of 4 games, but he did tricks where as I just tried to add a little flare in my steps. Nothing fancy. With this game, Marcus and I play at the same level and we both got As on all 4 songs, but my points totalled higher than his 3 times.

I did manage to get an S on one song when I played alone though. Anyway, that was two games in a row... A work out. My legs hurt and my chest hurt. Know what though? I felt great. And when my friend Spike (Mike) comes up to visit the next two weeks, we will be doing a lot off DDR and PUI.



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