Thursday, July 29, 2004

Yuki Phantom's Heart

Yuki Phantom is my car. Yuki is Japanese for snow. For like over a week now, his battery has been fine. The as I was leaving the mall tonight to go home, the battery light came on again. So I just kept driving home. 16 miles later, I turn down the exit to get to my town and suddenly my dashboard goes out. The speed-o-meter and the RPM reader drop to zero and the radio dies. My antena kept going up and down, not knowing if it was being turned on or off.

I turned my a/c off and the speed-o-mete came back to life. When I used my blinker it wiggled uncontrolably...

Apparently Yuki's heart is going dead. So tomorrow morning I have to wake up early with my mother and follow her to O'Reily's and get a new battery put it... Then I had already planned on going to get my oil changed at the place that advertises a pretty good price... Next weel when I get my check, I will get a tune-up there... All this means, I have no spending money for next month... ::tear::

I am tired of not being able to get ahead in the money situation, and the no girlfriend thing. Getting old, fast...

As for my Fall Sewing Project, I have made much progress... Monday I finally cut out the patter and the pieces in the material. Then I pinned it all together. Tuesday, I created my own pocket pattern and cut those out. Then I had to figure out how to place them on the project. When I got those one, after struggling with it for a long time, I discovered I pinned things on backwards. So I unpinned it all and the pockets, pinned it right, then worked on the pockets again... With even more of a struggle... My back was so sore from sitting on the ground and bending over for so long.... Now all I need to do is sew all the pieces together.

After I do that, I shall add the trimming and then alter the bottom half of the project a little... I may have to alter the front, since I think it may have too much material where in fastens together. Then I shall place the fasteners on... So... I am sure I will have this ready to wear by the fall.

I know some of you foxy ladies will want to see a picture of it on me when I am done. ::wink:: The only question is, do you want me wearing only it or not? ::wink, wink:: I'm just kidding, lol.



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