Sunday, August 22, 2004

A Rose A Day...

While I was working, a friend from school showed up with 40 roses. 20 white, 20 red. He said he had brought them to give to his girlfriend who works at the mall as well.

Earlier, I was talking with his girlfriend and she was a little upset with him. She had asked him to spend time with her during her 30 minute break, but he should up, hugged her, gave her a $20 since she was out of cash and left... Now I could see why he left...

But, 40 roses were too many for her to keep so he decided to hand some out to random females in the mall. His base of operations, my kiosk. I watched him go into Gadzooks across from me and give the girl in the mini skirt a white rose, telling her she looked down...

It was so fun to watch. Girls either blushed and thanked him or they thanked him and looked at him like "What in the world was that about?!"



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