Started a new job recently. Having fun working where I am working. Still not getting any hours though, about the same as I was getting at my last job. I am only seasonal though, so it is to be expected. I should probably get a lot more the closer we get to Christmas though. And with any luck they might keep me on as a real employee. I need a second job, but at this job they say their schedule comes first and there are other reasons I am not looking for a second job that I am not allowed to discuss. Seriously.
I am almost out of money and my first check will be rather small. Speaking of checks. My friend Maniac, when he was fired from the theater, his last check was $1.67. He framed it saying no one will get a smaller check for being fired/quitting. Well... Mine was.... $.67! That's right, Fans. 67 cents. Woo! Gonna frame that sucker. Don't ask how that is possible, because I don't know.
Been listening to new Japanese artisits lately, trying to broaden my JMusic experience. Artists suchs as: Anemone, Merry, Deadman, Kagrra, Metrenome, Fairy Fore... Screw English Music. Haven't heard anything really good for a while. Exceptions being the last Gorillaz CD and the new Danger Doom. Danger Doom is rap, but unexpectedly, I enjoy it a great deal.
Maniac is about to get his turntables, so my DJ group will be starting to get our practicing in finally. Speaking of which, I've been doing the MySpace thing a lot lately. Strangely addictive and fun. I've also been messing with the HTML. It's cool. I've never been taught anything about HTML, but I have been teaching myself with positive results. Still don't know a lot and can't do ANYTHING as close or as well as my friend TBH, but I get what I need done, done. Also, finally found some Japanese PV codes. Woo~! (See Bottom.)
Harry Potter comes out in a few days. Been looking really forward to that. I liked the book a lot, and I know they cut out the crap from the book I thought was pointless to make time. Gonna be great... Need to see the first Saw movie though. A girl I like loves that movie, so I want to check it out. Some friends of mine want to rent it so we can all watch it in a group then go see Saw II right afterward. Sounds like fun.
Also have some new games. Traded in some DVDs and books we didn't want and got Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin King for the GameBoy Advance. It's like a prequil to the movie. Not exactly what I was excpecting Storyline-wise, but hey... It's still freakin fun. Keeps getting more difficult further I go, which is always nice.
Other games. I get Devil May Cry for $9.95. Went to the BX on base and filled a survey so I got a $5 gift card. I never go on base so I wanted to use it up then. All I could find worth getting was a game. There was a section of games for $14.95, and they only had one Devil May Cry left and everything else was pure crap... And then I got .hack/Infection on eBay for $12 after s/h. Yeah I know, I am behind on games. But I am limited in money. Only the most IMPORTNAT games do I buy ASAP, otherwise I wait till I can get them cheap. .hack/Infections is super good though. I am loving it. Gotta beat all four before the new .hack/GU comes out.
.... C-ya!