Saturday, October 21, 2006

Oni-con... Why Must You Be So Far Away?

::weeps:: So... I wanted to be in Houston this weekend for Oni-con... Well, actually mostly to see D, but Amano was going to be there too so that would have been cool as well.

Alas, it was not meant to be. I asked of for work a while back and luckily got it off, so I am being lazy this weekend anyway. Work actually called today and asked if I could come in and I was like, "I'd love to, but I'm in Houston." My manager was like, "Oh ho... Just kidding... You mean you don't want to fly up here to work for a few hours then go back?" >_> "Sure! Let me hop on the next flight. Be there in a few."

I need the hours, but... Eff. I was supposed to be on a mini-vacation this weekend.

Well... Perhaps I can pester my ride into taking me for ShioKaze-con? Eh? Eh?! ::nudges him::


Sunday, October 08, 2006

Costumes in October

Work told me that it will be manditory to wear costumes on weekends I work. Weekdays will be optional. So last Sunday I wore a CatBoy costume, cause I wasn't in the mood to be fancy. Tuesday I went as Vincnet Valentine cause I did not want to do that heavy costume on a weekend. But it was fun driving there and home with tears of blood. People looked at me freaked out.

Today I wore a jester costume. Not quite my full costume that I created for my main anime character I am always thinking about and working on, but close. I love how it looked though and I have this one really awesome picture. I posted my Second Favorite picture of it on MySpace... I plan to post a picture of my other costumes there as well.

Tomorrow I plan to wear a make-shift Vampire Hunter costume... Basically just random items I have gatheres and thrown on and I CALL my self a Vamp Hunter. Most of it is actually from an origianl character I made for a certain anime, but I know for a fact no one will know. I think next Saturday, I will go as Evil Link... Not sure what to do for the rest of the month, though I do have one more idea... But that leaves 4, possibly 5 more costumes to come up with... Ick.. Looks like I might repeat a costume or two, though I'd hate to do that.

Not really anything else to report at the moment. One big change in my life (in a way) but I am sure it is already known and I shall not be speaking of it until there is a change, so don't ask.


Tuesday, October 03, 2006


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