Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Trip Comming Up

Next weekend I will be out of town for A-Kon. As I did last year, I will probably do some sort of report of the con for you all to read so you will know all that went on. I'll also have a ton of pictures, from a digital camera this year too. Woo~. So I might post a few, but if you'd like to see them all, let me know and I will send you a zip file.

Once again, the con is June 9-11. Probably be back late on that Sunday...

I'd also like to say Happy Birthday to my friends Lacey and Chopstick! Happy Birthday you too! ::hug for Lacey::

So I am going to go see X-Men 3 tomorrow with my mother. I don't expect it to be great. I didn't care for the first 2, but I do like that Ice Man gets some good screen time. Ice Man is the BEST X-men ever. Slag you!

Ghost Rider is coming out soon too. Wish they had found someone other than freakin Nicolas Cage... But I guess I'll give him a chance. I've only ever liked him in Con Air... Other than that, I've never liked a movie he was in nor do I think he is a good actor, but that is just me personally. Don't mean to offend any of you that like him. I know you probably hate some actor I think is awesome, so it is all fair.

Also, for the con I will be cosplaying a Street Ninja, an original Loveless Character and Yo-yo from Jet Set Radio. Woo~~~. I was also going to do Roxas from Kingdom Hearts II, but it was not coming out very well and I was getting mad. I kept working on it though cause I wanted to cosplay with my friend D, and didn't want to disappoint her cause she was working on Namine. Come to find out, she was having more difficulty with Namine than she anticipated and sliced her thumb open. So we decided to scrap the idea for now.

Well, not much else to report at this time. So later.
