So yeah... Several days ago, Yuki started to make this horrible clicky noise just as I got to work. After work, I went to a friend's and he found that I had almost no oil... So I drove to Wal-mart and put in 5 quarts and drove home... Didn't drive it for a week, cause it would still make that noise when I started the engine and was afraid it was a piston busted... Took it to my sister's boyfriend yesterday... Today I was informed that the head is cracked...
I cannot afford to have that fixed. My car was only $4,500... Replacing the engine would be more than that and fixing it would be almost as much... I can't pay that... So I am having all my graphics removed from Yuki, then I am going to go buy and get the rest of my things out of him... I need to take some part of him with me though... I'm the freakin soul collector... I can put his soul in some small part and keep it with me always... Leave the rest as an empty shell... ::sigh::
We had a lot of good times, and he was a great car... I just didn't take good enough care of him... Before you ask, I had an oil change like 5 months ago, but I haven't been able to when I should have cause I quit my job and didn't get a pay check for two months... I had zero dollars by the time I got my first check and I had to pay my father and other bills with that...
So... Until I find a second job or get paid better/more hours, I will have to learn to drive manual and use my father's old truck to get to work and crap... One day when I have enough saved up and am making enough to make payments, I will have to get a new car... Cause I hate trucks. Plus this one is all beat up and junk... Not Sexy. Especially for the captain of a drift team? Geeze...
Yuki Phantom - Drift Decepticon
Got: June 2002
Lost: December 2005